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Naruto 460 RAW SPOILERS (16 pages)

August 19, 2009

Watch Naruto Shippuuden 122

by: T.D.A., serenity85 and idol (NF)

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Naruto460: The Web Encircling Sasuke!
by: Nja – 2Ch (Sho-NF)

Summary (Part 1-5)

What is the unwanted intruder, Zetsu, there for…!?
Zetsu: “Hey, let’s all go search for Sasuke~! Ooooh!”
Raikage: “What the hell!?”
Temari: “That guy…”
Gaara: “…Sasuke?”
Kankurou: “Why would he..?!”

Mizukage: “That Sharingan no…”*
Choujuurou: “?”
Ao: “The guy who beat Haku and Zabuza?”
Danzou: (Sasuke’s here? It can’t be…)

Kurotsuchi: “Who’s he?”
Akatsuchi: Must be one of the members of “Akatsuki”…”
Raikage gets Zetsu in a headlock
“Where is Uchiha Sasuke!? Answer clearly!”
Zetsu: “!?” (He-He’s crazy fast!)

Raikage: “If you don’t answer, I’ll show no mercy!”
Zetsu: “That’s too bad…well I guess I could give a little hint-”

Raikage suddenly applies force on Zetsu’s head ((Kill(ed)? Since we only see the panel where he applies force, it maybe that he’s not dead.))

Raikage: “C! Begin!”
C: “Hah!”

Mizukage: “You shouldn’t kill! If we only captured and interrogated him, we would’ve been able to gain information on “Akatsuki”.”
Gaara: “There’s no one who’ll speak out against “Akatsuki”. They’re all hardcore.”

Mifune: “Okisuke, Urakaku, find Sasuke with your very lives at once. And ready the #2 battle alert!”

Urakaku: “Hah!”

Okisuke and Urakaku are probably Mifune’s entourage
Okisuke has thick eyebrows
Urakaku is bald
It could be they’re opposites of each other

Raikage: “Eye of the Mist (about Ao), you watch over the Hokage!”
Ao: “!”
Raikage immediately crashes right through the wall
Raikage; “C! Darui! Let’s go!”

Seems like they’re searching for Sasuke
Darui: “Uh sorry for the desk and wall…”
C: “Hey Darui, don’t worry about that. Let’s go!”

Tsuchikage: “Geez what a brute. At this rate, even if that Cloud rough-neck became part of the 5-Kage…”

Okisuke radios the samurai

“#2 Battle Alert, find intruder Uchiha Sasuke. Dispatch 3-squads to the tower entrance and form a secure line.”
Samurai: “Understood”

Karin: “!?” (This is…)
Sasuke: “What’s wrong Karin?”
Karin: “The samurai have started moving around! And it looks like they’re looking for us!”
Juugo: “Zetsu…it was him.”

The samurai are hurriedly walking around
Samurai A draws his sword(s) and goes close to the presence(?) across the pillar

Naruto’s lying down
Tobi’s (Madara) sitting on a window frame
Tobi: “How does a chat sound, eh Uzumaki Naruto?”

Naruto: “!?”
Naruto looks back: “You..bastard!”
Naruto immediately does Rasengan but Tobi avoids it

Tobi: “Going straight to Rasengan huh? You should know that’s ineffective.”
Tree(s) surround Tobi and capture him
Yamato: “Naruto, you be still now.”
Tobi: “You live up to your reputation, Kakashi of the Sharingan. You’re fast.”
Kakashi: “You won’t lay a hand on Naruto so easily, Uchiha Madara!”

Tobi: “So that means you should listen to what I just said. No attack will get through me, Uchiha Madara*”
*[trans note: the way he said his name is the same way he did when he introduced himself in the story: “kono Uchiha Madara”]

Kakashi: “So it is you, Uchiha Madara?! I knew it!”
Yamato: “I don’t know whether you’re here or if you change into a ghost, but you need to materialize your body to snatch up Naruto. If you don’t do so, you can’t get him. That’s why we can get you. You’re in my territory now.”

Tobi: “Hehehe I didn’t think of anything particularly special in coming here. I’ve got my own plans. Besides, now I just wanna talk.”

Kakashi: “Talk?”

He’s surrounded by that wood thing of Yamato’s

Tobi: “Right. What was it that lead Pain’s Nagato to betrayal? I have taken an interest in you, Naruto.”

Naruto: “I don’t give a damn about that! What the hell do you plan to do with Sasuke?! Tell me about him!”

Tobi: “Sasuke…”
Kakashi: “…”
Yamato: “…”

Tobi: “That’s fine with me. I’ll tell you then…tell of the young man who was infected by the hatred and malice that is part of this world of shinobi. I’ll tell you of Uchiha Sasuke.”

Naruto’s facial expression changes

Samurai A gets close. The cloak is hanging on a pillar
Samurai A: “Already escaped…”
Sasuke gets close behind samurai A and strikes him down
Karin and co. are hidden

Karin: “No good, there’s too many of them! I’ll just find him quick and we’ll catch him!”
Suigetsu: “I’ll remember that guy Zetsu or whatever he said his name was!”

Samurai are all over the place
Samurai B takes out his sword and gathers(?) chakra

Karin looks on at that, hidden: “So samurai can control chakra too, huh?”
Samurai C, D, E, F, G, H are gathering(?) chakra along their swords

Suigetsu: “So they use chakra that way…?”
Karin: “Ah, Sasuke! Why’d he go-?!”
Sasuke goes next to samurai C, D, E, F, G, H
Sasuke: “I’m irritated right now. If you come, I don’t think I can hold myself back…”

Samurai: “Hey I could say the same thing to you!”
The samurai sends chakra(?) from his sword
Sasuke repels it
Samurai D: “He repelled it?!”
Samurai E: “…It’s similar to our own sword techniques…”

Juugo: “Karin, forget about the samurai. Sense Danzou’s location.”
Karin: “But what ABOUT the samurai?!”
Juugo: “I’ll take on the samurai. At any rate there’s Danzou still to go.”

Sasuke stabs/kills the samurai
Karin: “!?” (Huh?)

There’s a panel with Sasuke standing in the palm of the hand of a giant shadow/beast(?) that’s behind him
Sasuke stabs/kills the samurai
Suigetsu: “And that guy… tells ME not to kill!”
Juugo: “This is…”

Karin can’t stop trembling
Karin: (Sasuke’s chakra…is different. Nothing at all what it was like before…even moreso than when he had the 2nd level cursed seal transformation. It’s so potent…and so cold)

Raikage and co. while they’re running-
Darui: “There’s a lot of chakra snuffed out around here! Most likely it’s Sasuke’s!”
Raikage: “Which one?”
Darui: “!” (Raikage-sama, that’s-!)
C: “Right below us!” (This is serious…)

Looks like the Raikage is preparing an action-plan for facing Sasuke
Samurai: “He has companions?”
Karin: “!” “Something big’s coming!”

For some inexplicable reason, Raikage is naked above the waist
He breaks through the ground to Sasuke directly below him

Raikage: “Little punk, I’ll teach you to fear my wrath!”

Sasuke puts power into his eyes?
Hatred calls for battle!
The encounter between Sasuke and Raikage leads to an outbreak of war!

Finished! Saasei!* [trans note: ohana’s little leave-note]

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TAGS: Naruto, Naruto 460, Naruto 460 Raw, Naruto Manga 460, Naruto Spoilers, Naruto Manga Spoilers, Naruto 460 Spoilers, Naruto Shippuuden, Naruto Shippuuden 460, Naruto Anime, Naruto Chapter 460, Naruto 460 Predictions, Naruto 460 WordPress, Naruto 460 Blogspot, Naruto 460 English, Naruto 460 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto 460 Read Online, Naruto 460 Download, Naruto 460 Onemanga, Naruto 460 Mangahelpers, Naruto 460 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Naruto 460 Narutofan, Naruto 460 Narutocentral

Naruto Chapter 447 (CONFIRMED SPOILER)

May 12, 2009

Naruto 447 CONFIRMED SPOILER read below:
Read Naruto 447 English

  1. Italian Translation
  2. French Translation
  3. Portugese Translation
  4. Spanish Translation
  5. Chinese Translation
  6. Indonesian Translation
Chapter 447 Summary


Italian Translation:
by: idol

Traduzione: Juin Jutsu Team

Hanzou ordina l’uccisione di nagato. Un Ninja della pioggia che si era nascosto appare.
Nagato respinge il suo kunai con lo Shinra “tensei” (?) lasciando di stucco il ninja.
Ne approfitta per prendere al volo l’opportunità di salvare Konan ma le sue braccia sono state colpite dalla tecnica Katon di hanzou.
Le braccia di nagato sono entrambe a pezzi…
(Forse è per questo motivo che ora si trova in quella strana sedia)
Traduzione Inglse non sicura: Hanzou rimane sorpreso nel trovarsi difronte Nagato con il rinnegan,ma anche per essere ancora in piedi dopo la sua tecnica Katon.
Mentre sta per collassare Nagato Compie un evocazione,richiama la Stuatua del demone Eretico.
(Si tratta della stessa statua che usa l’akatsuki per estrarre i Bijuu)
Konan urla: ” Non usare quella tecnica!!!”
Diversi Black Rods fuoriescono dalla statua e si conficcano nella schiena di Nagato.
A quel punto in “Musou Mode”(?) dalla bocca della statua fuoriescono esseri che somigliano a dei dragoni bianchi,e che colpiscono tutti gli Anbu di Konoha ed il Ninja della pioggia che era nascosto,estraendo le loro anime dai corpi.
Tutti i ninja restanti vengono spazzati via,probabilmente danzo era gia andato via dopo aver visto la statua.
Hanzou fugge grazie al Shunshin no Jutsu.

Il Flashback si conclude,si torna al presente.

In seguito Nagato racconta qualcosa su come i suoi compagni sono morti uno dopo l’altro.

Nagato pretende una risposta da Naruto(?)

Naruto ricorda tutto quello che gli disse Jiraiya ( tutta quella roba sulla gente che si capiva a vicenda e bla bla bla…)

Naruto: “Ero-Sennin credeva in me,aveva fiducia in me.”
Naruto: “Ecco perchè continuerò a credere in quello che credeva anche lui”
“Ed è anche la ragione per cui io non ti ucciderò”

French Translation

Hanzou donne l’ordre de tuer Nagato. Des ninja du village de la pluie font leur apparition.
Nagato repousse leurs Kunai en utilisant le Shinra (Tensei ?), Les ninjas sont surpris
Il en profite pour sauver Konan, mais il se fait toucher au niveau des jambes par une technique Katon de Hanzou.
Il ne tient plus sur ses jambes (ça explique le fauteuil roulant)

[Pas sûr]Hanzou est surpris de voir Nagato debout avec le Rinnegan, alors qu’il a été touché par son jutsu Katon

Alors que Nagato s’effondre, il fait une invocation : Gedou Ma Zou (Statue du démon hérétique) – cette statue ressemble à celle utiliser pour l’extraction des bijuu)

Konan : Non, pas cette technique !

Des piquets noirs jaillissent de la statue et transpercent Nagato au niveau du dos.
Au moment ou les piquets noirs transpercent Nagato, il devient chétif (la forme physique qu’il a dans le présent)
De là, ce qui ressemble à un dragon blanc sort de la bouche de la statue.
Le dragon effleure/touche les ninjas de Konoha et du village de la pluie et ils se font extraire leurs âmes.
Les ninjas sont HS (Danzou s’est probablement échappé dès qu’il a vu la statue)
Hanzou s’échappe grâce à un Shunshin jutsu

Retour au présent (fin du flashback) :

Nagato dit que ses compagnons sont morts les uns après les autres

Il veut entendre la réponse de Naruto .
Naruto se remémore les paroles de Jiji
Naruto : Ero-sennin a cru en moi… il m’a confié la suite
C’est pour ça que j’adhère aux idéaux de Ero-sennin
Et c’est pour ça que je ne vais pas te tuer !
Portugese Translation
by: filippester

Hanzou dá a ordem para que matem Nagato. Shinobis da Vila Oculta da Chuva aparecem.

Nagato repele as kunais com o Shinra [Tensei?], deixando os ninjas surpresos.
Ele aproveita a oportunidade para salvar a Konan, mas suas pernas são atingidas por uma(s) técnica(s) Katon do Hanzou. As pernas dele ficam despedaçadas (por isso a “cadeira de rodas” que ele usa agora).

[Confuso] Hanzou fica surpreso quando vê Nagato com o Rinnengan, mesmo depois de ter sido atingido por suas técnicas Katon.

Quando Nagato está quase desmaiando: Invocação – Gedou Ma Zou (Estátua Herege Demoníaca, a estátua que extrai os bijuus)
Konan grita: “Não use essa técnica”
Vários bastões pretos saem da estátua e perfuram a costa do Nagato, que entra no modo Thence in Musou (Modo Impenetrável / Incomparável / Fodão)

Dragões brancos sãem da boca da estátua e acertam os Anbus e os ninjas da Vila Oculta da Chuva. Os espíritos dos ninjas são extraídos um por um.

Os ninjas são varridos. (O Danzou provavelmente fugiu quando viu a estátua).

Hanzou espaca usando o Shunhin no Jutsu.

[Fim do flashback, de volta ao presente]

Nagato diz algo sobre os companheiros morrendo um por um depois desse evento e exige a resposta do Naruto.

Naruto pega o livro Dokonjyo- Ninja Gaiden (o que ele estava lendo durante o treinamento com os sapos) e lembra do que o Ero-sennin disse (sobre as pessoas se entenderem).

[Naruto:] O Ero-sennin acreditava em mim e confiou a resposta a mim.
Por isso eu vou acreditar no que o Ero-sennin acreditava!
Essa é a minha resposta!!
E é por isso que eu não vou te matar!


Sasuke na capa/espinha

Mais info:

O Nagato fica do jeito que está hoje quando os bastões perfuram sua costa
Spanish Translation
by Katzan/TDA

Hanzou da ordenes para matar a Nagato. Los shinobi de la aldea oculta en la Lluvia aparecen.
Nagato repele sus kunais con el Shinra Tensei, sorprendiendo a los ninjas.
Aprovecha una oportunidad para salvar a Konan, pero recibe golpes en sus piernas con las tecnicas Katon de Hanzo.
Sus piernas tiemblan…
(Parece ser que es por eso que esta en silla de ruedas…es una suposicion obvia)
Hanzou se sorprende cuando Nagato lo enfrenta con su Rinnegan, aun despues de haber sido golpeado por sus tecnicas Katon.
Mientras Nagato se derrumba,
Invocacion: Gedou Ma Zou[Lit.: Estatua Heretica Demoniaca]
(Parecida a la estatua para extraer los Bijuus)
Konan grita: “No uses esa tecnica!”
Varias varillas negras salen de la estatua y se clavan en la espina dorsal de Nagato.
Por lo tanto, en Modo Musou[Lit: sin igual, incomparable], algo parecido a dragones blancos emergen de la boca de la estatua.
Los dragones golpean a los shinobis de la Luvia y a los ANBUS, sus almas son extraidas una por una.
Los demas ninjas son derrribados. (Danzou probablemente se retiro despues de ver la estatua)
Hanzou escapa atravez del Shunshin no Jutsu.

Fin de la historia, de regreso al tiempo actual.

Y despues de eso, dice algo acerca de sus camaradas murieron uno por uno.

El reclama la respuesta de Narutop.
Naruto recuerda a Ero-Sennin y dice.
(Cosas de entenderse unos a los otros)
[Naruto:] Ero-sennin creia en mi y me lo confio.
Es por eso que yo creo en lo que decia Jiraiya.
Esa es mi respuesta!!
Y es por eso que no te matare


Imagen dorsal: Sasuke.

Mas info:

Nagato se transforma de su modo saludable a su forma decrepita cuando las varillas negras lo tocan.
Chinese Translation
by: 52manyou


半藏对有着轮回眼和中了自己的火遁还站着的长门感到吃惊,长门在倒下的同时把召唤兽 外道魔像给召唤了出来(这个魔像和抽取尾兽的那个雕像很像)




Indonesian Translation
by: lukman

Ketika Hanzou memerintahkan untuk membunuh Nagato, Shinobi Hidden Rain muncul.Nagato melawan kunai mereka dengan Shinra Tensei, dan hal itu mengejutkan semua ninja. Dia mengambil kesempatan itu untuk menyelamatkan Konan, tapi kakinya terkena Katon dari Hanzou. Kedua kakinya remuk (oleh karena itu sekarang ia duduk di kursi). Hanzou terkejut bahwa Nagato masih berdiri dengan Rinnegan, meskipun telah terkena Katon. Ketika Nagato jatuh terjembab, dia memanggil: Gedou Ma Zou [Literatur: Heretical Demon Statue] (sepertinya patung yang dapat mengeluarkan dan menyimpan Bijuu).

Konan berteriak: Jangan menggunakan teknik itu!”

Beberapa batang hitam keluar dari patung tersebut dan menusuk punggung dari Nagato. Kemudian, dalam keadaan yang tidak imbang (Musou Mode), sesuatu yang tampak seperti Naga putih muncul dari mulut patung. Mereka menyerang Konoha Anbu dan Shinobi Hidden Rain, kemudian jiwa mereka keluar dari tubuhnya satu-persatu. Sepertinya Danzou melarikan diri setelah melihat patung, dan Hanzou melarikan dengan Shunshin no Jutsu

Akhir dari Cerita, kembali lagi ke masa sekarang.

dan setelah itu, dia berkata bahwa teman-temannya mati satu persatu

Dia meminta jawaban dari Naruto. Naruto ingat akan apa yang dikatakan Ero-Senin (sesuatu tentang mempercayainya dan mempercayai yang lain)

Naruto: Ero-Senin mempercayaiku dan mempercayakannya padaku. oleh karena itu aku percaya apa yang Ero-Senin percaya. Itulah jawabannku!. dan itulah kenapa aku tidak akan membunuhmu!