Archive for the ‘Freakout Predictions’ Category

Freakout Prediction – Naruto 458

July 23, 2009
NARUTO Spoilers and Manga (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Freakout to re-post his writings and predictions.

Naruto 458 Prediction
by: Freakout

Chapter starts with scene in the summit room. Mifune is about to step back and take his own seat to officially open the summit. Soon after he sit down a Samurai steps behind him and whispers:

Samurai: Chief, I have a message for you.

Mifune is surprised but continues with the meeting opening: Kages of the Shinobi countries please start your discussion. Because the Raikage requested this one and I just heard about some business I urgent have to take care of I recommend he begins with the issues.

The Raikage accepted and the others nod. Mifune turns to ask what he meant.

Mifune: So it must be really important if you disrupt this meeting, so what is it?

Samurai: We have uninvited visitors in this room.

Mifune is shocked and nearly yelled but could hold back.

Mifune: WHAT!!!? How could someone sneak in here?

Samurai: We have no clue, it must be a high or rather four high skilled Shinobi and I mean really high skilled, above Kage level I could imagine. We just noticed them. What shall we do now?

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Mifune: Of course we should take care of it immediately but I don’t want to disrupt this meeting so harsh. We don’t now what they plan, the may even be from Akatsuki. Gather all guards here and post them at the entrance so they soon can interrupt if something happens and form search troops to assure no more problems occur.

Samurai: As you wish

The Kages are already debating while that.

Raikage: My following Kages, I called for this meeting because I don’t want to sit down and wait for Akatsukis move any longer. I want to exchange all data the different village has now. Then I want to work out a plan to land the final blow against Akatsuki. Not so long ago my brother the eight tails was abducted by them and according to the information we could acquire so far they collect them one after another, following the number of their tails which would mean they already got all, up to eight tails, which brings Konoha in whom posse the nine tails and probably be the next target.

Danzou: This is a matter we should not take to serious. Not so long ago the leader of Akatsuki a Shinobi from the Hidden Rain already visited us. Despite he destroyed the whole village none of our Shinobis were killed and our host, the nine tails defeated him. Since their leader is down the probably will fall apart soon.

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Tsuchikage: You have a point here but this only applies if no one else pulls the strings behind them or the remaining still follow their goals. Further none of the dead bodies of the Akatsukies were ever found so we cannot confirm the thread of them is banned. It is pretty possible they found substitutes as well. There are plenty of high rank criminals out there us, the village were so far unable to locate. If only the nine tails remains they surely won’t give up just now and concentrate on the capture of the Kyuubi.

Mizukage: Right now they have the power of eight Bijuus at their service and if they release them we will have a hard time pushing them back. If we don’t cooperate we are lost.

Gaara: I must agree with her in this point. I also am pretty sure we only have to deal with three remaining Akatsuki.

Raikage: No, the Akatsukis who abducted my brother were in a group of four and their leader was Uchiha Sasuke, so even if the other three were the normal Akatsukis Uchiha Sasuke is to be added as well. He took place of his older brother in Akatsuki because Konoha didn’t deal with him before he joined Akatsuki so I blame him and the Konoha leadership for this event.

Danzou: I refuse to take this. This was the foolishness of the Third Hokages teaching and the weakness of Tsunades mind to be unable to act. The Uchiha kid only was free to act because Tsunade wouldn’t declare him as a criminal yet, despite leaving the village for Orochimaru.

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The other Kages become clairaudient especially Gaara and the Mizukage seem in shock…

Mizukage: By the way, where is Tsunade, shouldn’t she be the current Hokage of Konoha?

Tsuchikage (strange smiling): Yeah, right, I didn’t notice it till now. I also was looking forward to see her again…

Danzou: During the Akatsuki attack she fell victim and currently is unconscious and our Damiyo asset me as the new Hokage.

Somewhere near the meeting place Naruto and co sit around a Campfire.

Tenzou: So Naruto, what do you intend to do now?

Naruto: I don’t know, I really have no clue… May Nagato be right in the end and there really is no way to break this curse… Sasuke is lost…

Kakashi: Jo Naruto, calm down. Are you already giving up? This doesn’t sound like the number one surprising and most hyperactive Ninja of Konoha I know. You went through much more and never gave up.

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Naruto: …

Naruto: Your right sensei, I will wait until the meeting is over and then approach and ask him again. If we talk throughout I may be able to convince him somehow.

Kakashi: That’s the Naruto I know.

Tenzou: However, we left Konoha despite Danzous … our Hokages… order and the Raikage may bring up our meeting. Danzou definitely will not be amused to hear this and because we left against order we are renegades now.

Kakashi: You have a point Yamato but I wouldn’t be that assured that he will risk loosing even more support by declaring us as criminals. However, he certainly will do everything to gain the other Kages support to cement his position as the sixth Hokage. Especially he will try to score with the Sasuke issue because Tsunade made no move against him. Danzous first order as he got in charge was to kill him at sight and since he obviously is now in Akatsuki he will surely score.

Tenzou: Kakashi-sempai, this is what I say and I wish I could be as sure as you that Danzou won’t make a move against us before the voting.

Kakashi: The Kazekage may be deciding in this meeting since he was a Jinchuriki and you saved him Naruto.

Naruto: Gaara…

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Back in the room silence lies in the air.

Mizukage: You’re telling us, the Uchiha survivor from back then joined Akatsuki, the exact same organization his brother, who killed the whole clan is in? He only survived because he was not present during the massacre. For a child like he was to learn that his elder brother killed his whole family sure must be a trauma. I just can’t see he would follow the same way as his brother after such an event. I rather would think he wants revenge.

Gaara: I know him and I’m sure he would never join Akatsuki willingly. He would give his live to protect his friends. I know Orochimaru wanted his body but his Soul wandering jutsu has some restriction and as we know he killed Orochimaru in one of his hideouts. I am certain Tsunade did not declare him as a criminal because she knew about this and ordered him to infiltrate Orochimaru and get rid of him. As an Uchiha we know how powerful he is. Because Orochimaru was in Akastuki for a little while it also was a chance to learn more about them and to damage them. It also allowed Sasuke to meet his brother and eventually kill him to get his revenge.

Raikage: Even if this very airy assumption is true he still took my brother to Akatsuki and therefore incriminates himself to be a true part of the organization. And as that he is a thread and must be erased with the rest of them.

Mizukage: This rather sounds to be a personal avenging mission than a move against Akatsuki…

Raikage: …

Tsuchikage: Nevertheless there is some truth behind this assumption, however we put this.

Gaara: I can’t deny you are right with this. However, we also must consider that Sasuke took out Orochimaru, a former member of Akatsuki, his older brother who was in Akatsuki and the Guy called Deidara who abducted me as the first Jinchuriki. I would say this was Tsunades way of dealing with the criminals of Konoha.

Danzou: … (If this continues that way my fine plan will be ruined, I must think of something fast.)

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Raikage: Good that you agree now. So can we venture on the problem with Akatsuki and the newly joined Uchiha. Konohas hesitation caused him to come that far and it is offending to me and my country that now another brat from Konoha in company of Hatake Kakashi approached me before the meeting and begged me to forgive this Uchiha for joining Akatsuki and abducting my brother who coincidentally was the host of the eight tails.

Danzou: WHAT!!!? I strictly ordered no one leaves the village until this meeting is finished, especially not the nine tails host.

The other Kages: Nine tails?!

Gaara: Naruto?

Raikage: You say this brat was the Kyuubi … The Kyuubi host bowed down before me because of his friend who obviously is in Akatsuki, the same organization who hunts him …

Tsuchikage: Really…

Mizukage: Wow…

Danzou: I will punish them for this as soon as I return Raikage.

Gaara: I’m a friend of Naruto and until it is proofed Sasuke, an important person for my friend Naruto really works with Akatsuki and has no secret mission from Tsunade to annihilate them from the inner after getting rid of Orochimaru I won’t send Shinobi of our country after him. For this case it seems we have to wait until she awakes again.

Tsuchikage: If that was the case it is very risky.

Mizukage: To deal with such high skilled criminals risks sometimes cannot be avoided.

Gaara: I’m willing to share our information though. First of Akatsuki has some kind of mind controlling Jutsu of a high rank and one of our most trusted safe keeper who never ever, not even a little gave doubt about his loyalty. Because of this our defense got crushed and Akatsuki was allowed to invade. What I try to tell is each of our village is in danger to have a similar case.

Next thing about the jutsu they use. As you know I also was the host of Ichibi and was abducted by Akatsuki. Naruto and his Team were essential for my rescue and to keep our losses low. However, it took three days and three nights for the Akatsukis to extract the Ichibi and each host takes longer. To be able to extract them they must be alive and only die after it is completely extracted. Until someone else sacrifices his live on time the Jinchuuriki ends up dead. Raikage, I want to say that your brother still is alive if he got caught less than two weeks ago and Sasuke knows about this.

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Raikage: Well, he indeed was caught in this time span.

Mizukage: I also believe in what the Kazekage says. Konoha was more peaceful than all other Shinobi countries since this system is on, whom I may add they created. Since that wars became much fewer despite them are the most powerful village of all as you all know. It was also the first Hokage who imprisoned the Tailed Demons and distributed them at first place among the country’s just to create some kind of power balance and allow peace.

Tsuchikage: Then don’t forget the Hyuuga incident. The Hyuugas are the top clan of Konoha besides Senju and Uchiha. Back then the Uchiha also were complete. If they had attack Kumogakure in order for revenge it would be crushed by now.

Raikage: …

Mizukage: What do you say Raikage?

Raikage: …

Tsuchikage: This solve the eight tale case, our first move will be to try retrieving him with what we know. This is for now the better way to deal with Akatsuki because it would weaken their might.

Back outside a strange deformed person is hiding in the shadows.

Unknown voice: Uchiha Sasuke, you are here because you want to kill the Hokage and I want to kill you to avenge Orochimaru…

Indoor again Sasuke listens attentive to the meeting.

Karin: Sasuke!

Sasuke: … What is it?

Karin: I notice seven unknown Chakra source surround our position in a pretty small radius. Two of them are way too big to be ignored…

Sasuke: That is non of our concern for now but observe them to be sure.

Karin: As you say.

End of issue, next week “Conclusion”

Freakout Prediction – Naruto 454

June 28, 2009
NARUTO Spoilers and Manga (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Freakout to re-post his writings and predictions.

Naruto 454 Prediction
by: Freakout

Naruto and Team 7 stand next to Karuhi and Omoi. Sakura still sobs about Sasuke being with Akatsuki.

Karuhi asks Naruto. “Your called Naruto? Naruto as in Uzumaki Naruto who beat Pain the Akatsuki leader and who trained under the legendary Sannin Jiraya?” “That’s right, that’s me and therefore I understand your feelings for Killerbee because Jiraya was also killed by the Akatsuki leader Pain. Why do you ask?” Naruto returns. “I just couldn’t believe a simple mind like you would be able to do that.” Naruto feels offended but didn’t show it. “So I wanted to know. Anyway what is with the Uchiha renegade you said you will provide us any information you got.” She comments. “I said I will and I will. I will tell you while we search for your master together.” He loud speaks. Sakura who calmed down then states. “What? only if you take me with you.” Sai also speaks. “Count me in as well.” “Well, since your defeated Pain, you sure wouldn’t be a burden and I saw you fight. Omui you also agree?” she asks. “I’m fine with it and that Sai guy also seems to be a usable fighter if we encounter someone mean. We sure could use some backup if a mean Akatsuki shows up. If me meet with Akatsuki the will bomb the fighting place we’re on. This will cause a big earthquake which destroys all near villages…” he starts to say but Karuhi pissed interrupts. “Stop that, will ya. However we are OK with it, only our leader Samui remains but if we tell about your skills she also won’t mind.” Karuhi explains. “But this girl, she is kinda cute…” Sakura shivers a moment. “…seems pretty useless, we shouldn’t put her in danger. If we hit a mean Akatsuki she will be in danger. The Akatsuki will attack and finally kill her first. Then he laughs evil and attacks us. After we killed him we lost this pretty and I couldn’t bear it and…” He again starts a story. “Sigh, will you ever change… Anyway I must agree with him. During our little brawl she seemed kind of useless and only caught hits…” Then Sakura yelled in anger. “What did you just say… I’m may not be as strong as Naruto or Sasuke but I ‘m Tsunades student and an excellent medical Ninja, not to mention my dodging and punching skills…” Then Kakashi comes in. “Calm down you two. I saw everything in here and I must say impressive especially from you Naruto but however, it won’t be that easy. You just can’t leave the village so easily or else you will be missing nins like Sasuke is. You need the approval of the Hokage to do so.” He lectures them. Naruto is angry.

Switch scene to Danzou
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“So the Kage summit is about to start and it will be hold in one of the small neutral countries in our neighbourhood?” Danzou says to Samui. “Yes indeed and you should now tell me about this Uchiha kid if we’re gonna to chase him.” Samui says. “Sure, sure… You should know Hatake Kakashi.” He states. “Of course I do, who does not know about the legendary Copycat Ninja of Konoha but what has this to do with the information you promised us and which I now demand.” Samui enraged says. “One thing after an other. He was the Jounin in charge of the Uchiha you search for while he still was one of Konohas Ninjas. He will give you all information you need. Just take this order to him and you will learn everything. Then he summons a letter. He should be somewhere in our village and helping rebuilding. I now want you to leave. I must make preparations for my parting. My regards.” He finishes. While she leaves she thinks. “I don’t like this guy. He has something at him which makes you creep and he is a cold, logic warmonger… We should stay aware of him but there is more eager business to take care of now. The killing of Uchiha Sasuke.”

“So the summit about further actions will be held soon, I just wonder if it will be better to take Sai as my bodyguard with me. Since I ordered Kakashi to lock Naruto away in Konoha until I say something else it should be okay. The other Kages don’t like me much and the Tsuchikage not even likes Konoha while the Mizukage is a mystery it may be better this way…”

Switch back to Naruto

Samui appears sudden and sees Kakashi. “That is a nice coincidence, Kakashi Hatake I just met the Hokage for information exchange and he gave me orders for you to tell me about this Uchiha kid. I hope you will fill them immediately.” She says. “Orders? Let’s see” he wonders. “Sensai Kakashi, what orders?” Naruto asks. “They say I shall tell the cloud nins everything I know about Sasuke.” “What were you two doing Omui, Karuhi and why are standing around with them?” she asks. “Well, we thought we gather information by ourselves.” Omui answers. “And?!” “Well we just met the former Team mates of him. One is a girl who seemingly still loves him even after learning what became of him and the boy who is the Kyuubi host and the one who defeated their leader Pain.” Karuhi says. “Did you find out anything about this Sasuke at all?” Samui with a lifted eyebrow curious asks. “Well, he said master Killerbee could be still alive and that our first goal should be to search for him.” “And you believe him? Idiotic.” She argues. “He seems not to try anything strange besides he knows about our loss because Pain killed Jiraya who mast his master. Further he promised us to give us all information if we take him with us while we search.” Karuhi concludes. “Is that so? I want to talk to him myself. Is it the blonde ore the black haired one?” she ends. “The blonde and naive boy there.” Omui comments. “So, then I will follow this orders for now” Kakashi announces and soon after Samui comes to them. “That fits well, I will tell you about everthing about Sasuke though Naruto would be better cuz he had more contact with him alone than me. Anyway, let’s start…” Kakashi starts to reveal all about Sasuke…

Switch scen to Sasuke and Taka.
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Some panels about their movement with one half of Zetsu and Sasuke thinking. “Naruto beat Pain, unbelievable. After I killed Danzou I will head to Konoha with his head and kill Naruto as well. I will proof he is still weak and besides, he killed the one who destroyed Konoha, which I want to do. He will pay, all will pay…” Then Zetsu speaks to him. “What is Sasuke, something seemingly bothers you; doubt you would be able to kill him?” “…” “Of course he will, Sasuke is the strongest Ninja of all. But what IS this Tobi guy?” “I never saw Sasuke like that…” Suigetso thinks.

Switch scene to the hidden Rock

Tsuchikage dono, we received an invitation to a Kage summit regarding the latest moves of Akatsuki. It will be held near Konoha and all Kages will be there, shall I tell the messenger you will come as well or shall I sent him in to report everything?” a Hidden Rock ninja shouts. “No need now, you can tell me later as well. Tell him I also will come and sent him back.” He calm says. “Understand Tsuchikage-sama.” Then he rushes out. “I see, this may be a chance to get revenge at Konoha, this will be interesting…” Someone enters from the shadows. “A Kabuto, you finally here, this means you eventually acquired the power of Orochimaru you wanted so long?!” the Tsuchikage asks. “Yes master though the cells still won’t give up but this is only a question of time…” Kabuto strange states. “Well, you sure has much to report and I’m eager to hear it. It is just sad that we have to erase Konoha ourself instead of let Orochimaru do it…”

End of chapter.
Many forces against Konoha and Naruto are on their move and plan something against Konoha. What will happen now, see the next chapter.
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