Naruto Chapter 441 Spoiler (RAW)

These are collated Predictions, Theories and Spoilers of Naruto Manga Chapter 441. I will release the confirmed scanned pics and Spoilers for Naruto 441 RAW by Wednesday, March 25 (Japan Time).

Featured Manga: KAKASHI’s Face Revealed!!

KAKASHI’s Face Revealed!!
CLICK Images to Enlarge

Status: CONFIRMED Spoiler

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Picture translations :

Pain : So ? You tasted a bit of Pain huh ?
Pain : Without knowing the same Pain, we can’t possibly understand eachother.
Pain : And even then, understanding doesn’t mean people can get along with eachother.
Pain : That’s reality.

Pain : Same goes for you. You’re after Sasuke, but that’s a waste of time.

by: Ohana

Staus: CONFIRMED Spoiler

Image #2 translation:

Nagato : !! こいつ。。。せんにんモードで逆探を!
( This guy … he traced me back using Sage Mode ! )

by: ichi 15 NF
Status: CONFIRMED Spoiler

Naruto : Found you !

やっとこさガイ班到着 テンテンがヒナタ 急所がずれていて今すぐ治療すれば助かるといい
ネジがそっこで白眼で医療忍者を探す リーは母ちゃん蛙を発見 こちらにケガ蛙です っていっ た時はふいた w
ガイは一言 暁…これほどまでとは 見たいな事を言う
ナルトに変わり 天道に本体と話がしたい と交渉
決裂 今更お前と話しても無意味的なことをいわれ
ナルト 考えがある って事で殴り合いに天道の黒い棒を折り折れた先を自分に突き刺し

天道とラストの決着をつける為 風遁螺旋手裏剣を放ち天道がはじき返すが

Naruto escapes from the Chibaku Tensei and lands back on the ground. After this, the sphere crumbles.

Hinata crosses Naruto’s mind and seeing no trace of the village of the villagers, he worries he might have destroyed them, but Katsuyu, still hiding in his clothes, assures him they are okay.

Nagato coughs up even more blood

Team Guy just arrived. Tenten checks Hinata. Pain missed her vitals, and with immediately medical treatment she will be fine.
Hearing that, Neji uses his Byakugan to find a medical ninja. Lee discovers Ma frog he says “there’s an injured frog here” They’re wasting time (laugh)
Guy says one word: Akatsuki… So much for this, I’ll tell you the things you want to see

Change to Naruto he says to Deva Realm that he wants to speak to the real body for negotiations.
Breakdown – Talking to you after all this now would be nonsensical

Naruto is like “Well, then I’ll have to look for him myself” Katsuyu asks how he’s going to do that.
Naruto has an idea: He’ll engage Deva Realm in a fistfight, break of one of the black rods and pierces himself with it. Using Sennin mode, he can locate the real body like tracing a phone call.

To finish off Deva Realm, Naruto throws a Fuuton: Rasen Shuriken, which Deva realm deflects, but it seems Naruto took advantage of the five-second interval by throwing a second shadow shuriken.
The end

The next issue has a colour cover. Conclusion… and unexpected end…
…is what’s written. It would suck if it’s Nagato dying from coughing up too much blood
The spine of the magazine has Gaara on it.

Chapter ends here.

次号 巻頭カラーで決着…意外な結末が… 
The next issue, color cover. “An unexpected outcome.” It would suck if the “unexpected outcome” was Nagato dying from hacking up too much blood.
Gaara on the spine of Jump.

After using Fuuton: Rasen Shuriken twice in Sennin Mode, the Sennin Mode stops (Deva realm now sees through this)

After this, there’s also a part with a conversation between Deva realm and Jiraiya-sensei, who praises Konoha shinobi for being very great (this is after Naruto says he wants to speak with the real body)

Status: CONFIRMED Spoiler

Hard to interpret the answer without knowing the question, but here it goes.

長門が逆にゾクゾクってしてたよ ナルトの蛙の目状態が
It was Nagato instead who was feeling zoku zoku (a Japanese sound that represents fear/tension/jitters). The condition of Naruto’s frog eyes got to Nagato (???)

The cover page is Hinata again, so there’s a chance her status is rising as a heroin.

Sorry, I didn’t look that carefully. I’ll make sure to look more carefully next time. (I’m assuming the question had to do with Hinata – her attire, boobs, one can only hypothesize).

あ~ヒナタか ってぐらいにしかみてなかった><
It was just an afterthought like, “oh, there’s Hinata”

I couldn’t write it all, but…

その後仙人モードきれる (天道がその事今回看破してます)
In Sennin Mode, the limit to Fuuton Rasen Shuriken is 2 throws.
Afterwards, Naruto snaps out of Sennin Mode. Tendou sees through it.

後天道が ジライヤ先生といい木の葉の忍びは大変優秀だなって褒めてる部分も
会話である (これはナルトが本体と直接話がしたいっていった時)
Also, Tendou remembers a conversation, where Jiraya is praising Konoha ninjas for their excellence/superiority.

The rest is spoiler pics. See you later-!
by: Kaku

Status: UNCONFIRMED Spoiler

“Naruto stares down upon God Realm, Pain stares back.”

Pain: – Impossible, how did you return to normal again?
“Naruto looks serious”
Pain: – Never mind, it is over Naruto. You cannot escape Chibuka tensei.
“Zoom in on Nagatos face”
Nagato thinks: – He shouldn’t be able to stand up like that either, what immense power, he seem somewhat different…

“Naruto sits down on the moon and concentrates”

Pain: – What is he doing?

“Naruto opens his eyes and turns his gaze away from Pain and directly in the direction of Nagato”
“Nagato’s face, his eyes wide open”

Nagato: – He noticed me…

“Naruto stands up again and facing Nagato he starts to talk”

Naruto: – A lot of things have happened. I don’t have all the answers but I know that your answer is wrong Nagato. You are being fooled by another Your motives are driven by the very same thing your trying to stop, hatred.

“Nagatos eyes narrow as suspicion arise”

Nagato: – What is it you think you know? You still don’t have any answers..

Naruto: – A masked man in Akatsuki, have another agenda than the one you have.

“Naruto points towards Nagato, Nagatos eyes get even more serious but wide”

Nagato: – What are you talking about, how do you know Madara?
Naruto: – Madara…..someone close to me told me about it.
Nagato : – Enough! It doesn’t matter..all that matters is peace.
Naruto : – Your way is not peace, i’ve already told you, I will defeat you and protect everyone!

“Naruto kneels down and closes his eyes”

Nagato: – wha…..

“Naruto gathers natural energies at his feet., He opens his eyes and jumps/shoots down towards the ground”

Nagato in shock: – Impossible!!
God realm: – Shinra tensei!

“Naruto is stricken back and drawn in by the moon again crashing on its surface”
“Naruto stands up visibly tired, breathing heavy. ”

Naruto thinks: I can’t get past his Chinra tensei and there is no way I’m fast enough to break his 5 second intervall, not on this moon.
“Naruto realizes something!! I don’t have any more clones to summon so I can make that…He stands straight and makes a handseal”

Naruto : – Kage bo Shiniojutsu

“In a flash of smoke hundreds of normal Shadow-clones appear on the moon!”
“Close up on Narutos face as he makes the seal once more, he is sweating with concentration. Two sage-clones appear beside him”
“The sage-clones run to the sides where many normal clones gather forming 3 groups with 1 sage-clone and many normal ones in each group”
“Nagato stares up at what’s happening”

God realm thinks: He can’t possible launch all those from the moon… My chakra is running low, the chibuka tensei took a lot out of me, I must end this soon.

God realm: – What do you think your doing? You cannot beat Chibuka tensei, no one can.

“A sage Naruto launches one Normal naruto by throwing him of the moon with full force, the Clone disapears in a smokepuff”
“The three Sage clones build one Rasengan each and smash it into the moon creating a smoke screen over a large part of the moon.
“God realm focuses his eyes on the smoke”

God realm whispers: – Here they come.

“Out of the smoke Normal Naruto’s are shot out at a steady interval launching towards God realm. Some of them explode into smoke filling the air between god realm and the moon with smoke.”
“God realm parries and disposes of the clones that reach him”

God realm: – You cannot force me to use Shinra tensei like this! Your clones are no match for me, I can take them on. The smoke won’t help you!

“Suddenly Nagato feels a disturbance in the gravity as something explodes somewhere on the moon and god realms balance drops by the shockwaves of the explosion, the ground shakes”

God realm: – Ughhh..what?

“Out of the smoke comes the moon steering right at God realm”
God realm: – What?! How?!

“Nagato looks in total shock how the moon falls on God realm and see it through God realms eyes also. There is no escape it is to big!
Nagato shifts his eyes to the moon and see two sage Naruto’ s Jumping up into the air on the opposite side of the moon and landing down again with OgoonRasengan!”

Nagato: – So that’s what he is doing, trying to bring the moon down on me… I still have my shinra tensei!

“God realm raises his hands towards the moon, sweating and panting from the concentration”
God Realm: – SHINRA TENSEI!!

“The moon, that is somewhat close now starts to shifts to the left and continues falling to the side, but not enough.”
“God realm jumps the other way to get out of harms way.”

Naruto: – Got you!

“Out of the smoke comes the third, real Naruto Sage flying in high speed with a double Rasengan crashing into God realm”


“close up at god realms face as he is hit”

God realm: – Guaaaargg!
Nagato: – Arghh…Yahiko!

“God realm and Naruto crashes into the ground in an explosion of rock and smoke”
“Nagato coughs blood and Konan comes to his side”

“Naruto stand up out of the smoke, Yahiko is defeated on the ground”
“The moon crashes in a ground-shaking explosion felt by all Shinobi around the area as Naruto looks towards Nagato, his faced concealed by shadow”

Naruto: – It’s over….

“Naruto seems to be struggling with himself, trying to make a hard choice.”

Naruto: – Jirayaaa……

“Naruto seems to come to a decision that in some way is painful, he raises his face and in his eyes are determination”
Naruto jumps closer to were Nagato is and up in a tree”

Naruto shouts: – The will of fire protects us all……Jirayaa’s dream…..I know what it meant now. End this Nagato, stop your killing. There is another way…….I have my answer.. I don’t……ha…(Naruto hesitates)…hate you….

“Nagato is stunned by these words….”

Nagato whispers: – Naruto……..the destined child?…….
Nagato: – Konan, reveal us.

“Konan releases the paper shield. Nagatos machine Walks closer to Naruto, Nagato raises his voice”

Nagato: – What is your answer!?

“A flash behind Nagato and Madara stands behind him”

Madara: – So Pain, you failed it seems, betrayal huh?

“Naruto see Madara and is shocked, Konan don’t have time to react and you see closeup on Nagato’s face he is sweating and taken of guard”

—- Next Chapter : “The Betrayal” —

1. YONDAIME-Naruto The conversation was short – but it is enough to give Naruto all the strength he needs to face and fight Pein …

CLICK Image to Enlarge

  • * Yondaime as Naruto’s Father is so smart! Even after death, he sees to it that his seal on the kyuubi is fool-proof and he makes sure that should there be problem with his seal – he will come back again.
  • * Minato as Naruto’s Father is so cool! He knew he will be giving burden to his son, he doesn’t know what it will do to Naruto – yet he believed Naruto is the perfect container. He did not leave Naruto alone on this problem! He appeared as his father to help him out when he needed most! PERFECT!
CLICK Image to Enlarge

2. PEIN – This will be the Last We Will See You!!!

CLICK Image to Enlarge
  • * Naruto – is in top shape now! First, a super great experience with dad! And second, NO MORE KYUUBI!
  • * Naruto still have one Sage Mode Naruto left. Odds are in favor for Naruto
  • * Pein – what will you do now Pein? You have used your ultimate Jutsu? What will you resort to now?

3. YONDAIME revealed about Tobi/Madara

  • * The 4th Hokage mentioned about how a certain masked Akatsuki controls the kyuubi during the attack 16 years ago. I cant remember if Naruto already met Tobi (which we all know is Madara). Was Tobi there when Deidara faught Naruto when they were saving Gaara?
  • * Yondaime mentioned about sealing half-the kyuubi’s chakra in Naruto. My question: where is the other half of the Kyuubi?
  • * I got an interesting post regarding the Secrets of the Kyuubi – I suggest you read about it it is posted below! Any reactions?

4. Maybe it is also about time we mention this:

  • * What will happen to Hinata? Will she be healed and live? (i hope so)
  • * What is the result of the search of Shikamaru and company. Will they be able to locate Nagato? This is the best way they can help Naruto now.
  • * Gai, Rock Lee, Neji, Ten Ten: what is taking you so long?? Neji – I’m sure you already know what happened to Hinata through byakugan. What will you do about it?
  • * Yamato – looks like you wont ever have control over Naruto ever!
  • * Kakashi – dead or alive? (Check out Kakashi’s Face Revealed!)
  • * Konan – how will you help Nagato? Will you fight Naruto and Konoha Ninjas or take Nagato with you and retreat!
  • * Danzou’s Attack is still imminent. He and his Root will take advantage soon.


Status: Prediction/Opinion

I made some predictions/opinion regarding the current chapter. please take time to read and comment.

1. Maybe as long as the ninja system exists, there can be no peace or order…

— this could mean that the ninja era in naruto will end. In Japanese history, Ninja Era ended right?? I would like to think that the destruction of konoha symbolizes that historical fact. And if it would really end the Ninja System, that would be nice since it gives a touch of reality in the manga.

2. ...konoha will be rebuild…
if my predictions in #1 will happen, then this could mean that Konoha will be rebuilt again, not as a ninja village, but a more peaceful nation. With this, Naruto (who will start the change) wont become Hokage, but he will become an institution more famous, more respectable, and more legendary than being a hokage.

3. As for Sasuke:

There is a hint that Sasuke will go blind. My prediction, he will be totally blind but Konoha will still accept him. But of course, most of Konoha people will become hostile against him (just like how they treated Naruto before) but sakura will be the only one who will take care of him, tending to all his needs. Sasuke, on the other hand, will finally recognize her effort, appreciates it, and eventually, will develop some feelings for her. He will express his guilt because of his harsh treatment to Sakura before, but Sakura won’t mind at all.

by: Drei Matari (PEX)
Translated by: me (Naruto Addict)

The Main Secret of the Kyubi
by: Boagrious

Yondaime Hokage foresaw something, and ripped the chakra of the Kyubi sealing, only half in his son.
None know the true nature and powers of the seal. I guess there are three main aspects of this sealing. One, Minato was buying time. Second, the Kyubi could seize permanent control over Naruto. Third, the sealing technique is linked to the Uchiha clan. Kyubi’s dark and light halves Yondaime Hokage gave up his life when he sealed the Yang chakra of the Kyubi in Naruto, while the Yin was given to the God of Death. But, why did Minato do such a thing? No creature “can survive without yin or yang”, according to the oriental philosophy. Therefore, Yondaime sealing technique bound Kyubi’s existence to Naruto’s life. Kyubi will die if Naruto is killed; hence for his own sake Kyubi helped Naruto in the past.

Yondaime sacrifice was meant to buy some time for his Village and his son.
The Kyubi could break free Yin and Yang are meant to interact and evolve one into the other (day turns into night and vice versa). Life always seeks balance. Therefore the Kyubi chakra won’t remain in the same state. Kyubi is growing stronger within Naruto. The seal is weakening. Three years ago Kyubi first tempted Naruto with his power, and barely assumed the shadowed figure of a fox with 3 tails. Now without Naruto’s request Kyubi took over Naruto and transformed into a 6 tailed form with bones. How much time does Kyubi need to gain flesh, 9 tails, and completely take over Naruto? If this happens, there won’t be going back. Kyubi will posses Naruto’s body and take it as his own.

Pein forced Naruto to transform.
I suppose that Akatsuki needs the Kyubi to break his chains and take over Naruto, or to at least get him near that point. They need the bijuu to have dark and light chakra before they seal it in the statue. Otherwise they would have captured Naruto long ago.

Minato’s hopes Yondaime hoped that Konoha would see Naruto as their hero.
He probably had more in mind than the Village being grateful with a kid because he became a jinchuriki. Yondaime foresaw the fight that Naruto will have with the Kyubi, and leave things in a way that his son will have the help he needs to win over the monster.

1. Minato bought time in which Naruto was expected to master Senjutsu.
As his father and godfather did. This art forced Naruto to achieve the very accurate control over yin and yang chakra because Senjutsu requires three equals part of yin/dark/spiritual, yang/light/physical and nature energy, otherwise the user turns into a frog. Naruto has gained the ability to suppress Kyubi’ chakra thanks to the scroll of the seal’s key and the senjutsu training. The main proof of this is that Naruto has seen through Pein’s genjutsu.

Until now Naruto was a total failure at genjutsu
Because it is pure yin (dark spiritual energy), and until now Naruto had extra yang chakra (from the Kyubi) mixed with his own. Chiyo sealed the whole Shukaku in Gaara, and the beast blood thirsty temperament almost consumed Gaara during his childhood. If Minato had sealed the whole Kyubi, Naruto would have been consumed by the monster, long ago. But now, Naruto is close to facing a fully formed Kyubi, will his new abilities be enough to force the Kyubi back to the cage?

2. Yamato was already 10 years old and a chunin with 4 years of experience, when the Kyubi was sealed.
Minato could have seen mokuton in action and hoped that Yamato would grow strong enough to control bijuu. The Hirashima’s necklace allowed Yamato’s special mokuton jutsu to control the Kyubi, or made it stronger. The bijuu has now apparently destroyed the necklace, taking away Yamato’s chances to help. If Yamato is to succeed this time, it will probably be at a great cost.

3. Minato also could have entrusted the Uchiha clan with the mission to make at least one of them a MS user to control the Kyubi.
Konoha’s upper class knew about the Uchiha’s potential, otherwise Danzou and his gang wouldn’t have blamed them for the attack. By the time of the attack the Uchiha clan was well renowned. But back them only the forsaken Madara was strong enough to control the Kyubi. If Minato entrusted such a mission to the Uchiha this could have arose Danzou suspicions and fear to this clan’s power, causing the massacre 7 or 8 years later.

The Uchiha clan is and the Kyubi are connected by an unbreakable chain.
For good or ill this connection will be crucial. The Uchiha and the Kyubi Apparently the Mangekyou Sharingan (MS) is the only power that can tame the full powered Kyubi. I wonder if Madara wanted Sasuke to join Akatsuki in order to control the Kyubi once it takes over Naruto. Pein is apparently is helping the Kyubi to take over Naruto. Also, Madara said the Sasuke’s eyes “will be better” than Itachi’s. Was he planning for this moment? Will Sasuke come to control the Kyubi? Will he capture Naruto or help him? Madara can’t or doesn’t want to control the Kyubi by himself . He used it against Hashirama but lost. I suppose the EMS doesn’t have the same level of control over Kyubi; or Madara don’t want to suffer from more side effects. Shared Destiny If the Kyubi dies the Uchihas will lose the Sharingan, or their above average chakra levels, or even die out. This is the only answer that I can find to Kyubi’s menace. The Bijuu threatened Sasuke, “don’t kill Naruto or you will regret it” he said, in other words “don’t kill me or you will regret it”. There are many possibilities for this relationship.

All of the kekkei genkais can be linked to the Bijuus.
But I believe the Uchiha helped Minato to seal the Kyubi in Naruto, and through this act, bound the bijuu’s destiny The kanji for fox, and the symbol of the nine tails were present at the Uchiha’s hideous, were Itachi and Sasuke held their final battle. The symbol is almost the same as that representing the Kyubi sealing at the start of the manga. Links: Kyubi sealing, Uchiha’s Hideous, Kyubi’s words, and the Nakano temple. Out of time Naruto and Sasuke are linked to the Kyubi. Time is running out for both of them. Naruto is really near to facing his final battle against the nine tailed Demon, who will try to size his freedom and take Naruto body’s as his own forever. Naruto’s heart, his training with the frogs, and his friends will pay a great part at the end.

The Kyubi shortens Naruto’s life span.
He will live a short existence if he reminds as a jinchuriki. Even if the bijuu is extracted or destroyed and Naruto survived, there would be side effects. The longer is his time as a jinchuriki, shorter will be Naruto’s life. Sasuke face now the curse of the MS, is falling into darkness, (as much)[the more] he uses his eyes faster he will become blind and mad. Worse than that, the MS also consumes the life of it user (that was Itachi’s illness). There are only three secure ways out of the MS’s curse: a) like Madara take the MS of another Uchiha (Itachi’s); b) Like Izuna (Madara’s brother) give up the eyes ( Izuna died in battle after he became a blind shinobi); or c) Die like Itachi. But maybe Sasuke can get rid of his power and the curse if he fights the Kyubi. What will happen with Kyubi, Naruto and Sasuke?

Quote from databook3
1. “Yin chakra” was sealed with the ‘Dead Demon Consuming Seal’, using the Yondaime’s life as a sacrifice.” Yin apparently is: dark chakra, the spiritual / mental energy.

2 . “What was Minato’s true purpose when he sealed Kyuubi’s Yang chakra into his son…? ” Yang presumably is: the light chakra, material or physical energy.

3. “ Right now, he ( Kyubi ) is soundly sealed inside Naruto’s body, with no chance of resurrection. But he sees the opportunity to once again walk the Earth by using that body”

4. The Bijuu “Their bodies are made up of vast amounts of chakra and their personalities are ferocious and cruel. When they begin to act violently, nothing can be done. Hitherto, there existence is a symbol of “menace”

5. “The Mangekyou Sharingan is feared as the strongest doujutsu, but only some of its possessors can reach this further godlike state. This jutsu works both as the user’s guardian deity and as something that consumes his life.” Quote from the manga chapter 398 01 “ A clan with the power to make disaster their slave. The eyes that would make them legendary are part of an unbreakable chain” Quote from the manga chapter 309 06 “I may not see you again, but I warn you. Don’t kill Naruto. You will end up regretting” (Kyubi to Sasuke) Quote from the anime “This may be our last meeting, so let me say one last thing. Don’t kill Naruto. You will live to regret it

70 Responses to “Naruto Chapter 441 Spoiler (RAW)”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    ohhh i love your thoughts

  2. Anonymous Says:

    naruto will kill pain then later on sauke will find madara team with naruto and kill him to then sauske will take his powers and come back to konoha but still be weaker than naruto and probably be a canedent for hokage but lose to naruto

  3. Anonymous Says:

    I think the power Itache gave to naruto is a form of sharingan. maybe not the full power sharingan.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    im so happy that naruto learn the truth about his father,an finds out that the fourth is his father.but what i think is going to happen in this next chapter is that naruto is going to fly down toward pain,an talk to him about the “akatsuki”of how tobi/madara is using pain as a tool,to take over the world.but pain isn’t going to believe him until later on,when pain is about to die,tobi/madara is going to show up before pain dies,an tell him that he is using the him,just the same as he is using the rest of the “akatsuki”.-tobi/madara takes off his makes tediously only showing halve of his face like it did last time,his mouth slowly moves a he contines to talk to pain,as pain coughs out blood.
    pain-why did you do this for..what is your reason?
    tobi/madara-i did it for power,so i mad the help complete my goal.
    pain:-an what was that goal?
    tobi/madara:-that goal was to make “akatsuki”not informing them what will happen to them…so i use them to reach a higher level.
    pain:-witch was..
    tobi/madara-to capture all the bijuu.witch the other akatsuki members thought you was the leader,not knowing “i uchiha madara,was the real leader of the akatsuki.i plan to use the bijuu to take what should have been mine.
    pain:-why so?an what do you plan to take.cough out blood as he contines to talk.
    tobi/madara-“TAKE OVER THE WORLD” the place of hokage that should have been mine,but they let the first hokage instead of me.
    pain-so what if you do complete your goal?what will you do then?knowing that it might not happen,because worlds will continue to rebuilt its self..and peace will come before us all.
    tobi/madara-i already plan out what will..happen after all this happens.everyting his according to planing.making a new life where i will role the world,an people will respect me as a “GOD”..this world will change before my eyes.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    pain loses to naruto
    naruto gets saved by sasuke from madara in final battle
    sasuke and naruto have a final fight to decide who becomes hokage manga ends without saying who wins… cousin is one of the graphic desiners…this is one of their rough drafts of how to end it..

  6. Hakudoushinumbernine Says:


    i have nothing to say dude. naruto is a beast and he might not end up killing sasuke. actually he might not fight him period. sasuke will probably see tobi's psycho-ness himself. -,- then again this IS sasuke…. he's not the best judge of character. so he'll pick a fight with naruto who will, in turn beat more sense into him. and it will be like nine chapters long. naruto will, however, kill the pain puppets and allow the real pain to die in peace saying something like "you can trust me, blah blah blah, #1 knuckel headed ninja, blah blah blah, there may always be hatred and something about not being able to stop it all but can sure as hell try…" blah pain will die realizing the error of his ways. NONONO wait!!!! sasuke and naruto will fight… naruto will do that thing he does with the teaching and kicking ass at the same time, sasuke will doubt his methods (like always) but will not stop fighting Naruto. and like in all anime, the Main villan {tobi} will get bored with the fact that Sasuke isn't killing naruto, Madara will attack and will and try to weaken the seal of holding the ninetail sasuke will help naruto and they will find some way to end Madara's life -> flash forward->> konoha is rebuilt. sasuke Will either travel, die or settle down. Tsunade is probably going to still Hokage, and will pass the torch to naruto. and every one will be there, and a picture of the Fourth, kakashi, the Third, and Jiraya will be seen smiling down on them on the new peaceful ninja world…. or smomething like that….

  7. Anonymous Says:

    All of them will be jerking off.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    listin stupid asses y dont u all wait for the mother fukin next chapter and mabye u wouldnt have to do this dumbasses

  9. Anonymous Says:

    yea ur right!!,really ppl stop waisting time doing this stuff i mean really,dont u all have lives?

  10. Anonymous Says:

    *sigh*naruto comes down and him and pien have a tea party how about that!

  11. Anonymous Says:

    If you do not like it do not visit these sites!!!
    You guys say that WE do not have lives well what are you guys doing reading our thoughts!!!

    By the way I love talking about all of this stuff.

    All I want is to see Naruto and Hinata get together or something like that.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    Madara is about to make a big move with Danzou

  13. Anonymous Says:

    allyou nerds who would do anything to see the next chapters go to naruto i’ve already seen 441-449 hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahhahahhahahahaha


  14. Anonymous Says:

    so it lokes like Madara is traing to control sasuke too, that’s why he said those things to sasuke and that’s why itachi didn’t want sasuke to talk with him. I’m wondering what kind of power itachi gave to naruto.
    I realy want to see the next chapter

  15. Anonymous Says:

    naruto and pein join in hands and sing fuck yo momma biyotch

  16. Anonymous Says:

    dude u got issues

  17. Anonymous Says:

    hmmmm u know u guys should wait for the next chapter i mean really ppl this is a waist of time-and if ur sayin why did i type this if i said this is a waist of time i just want to prove u ppl r waisting time just wait for the next friggin chapter

  18. Anonymous Says:

    hes right you dumbasses are waisting time yall have no lives you hoes go suck balls bitches

  19. Anonymous Says:

    harsh but..ur kinda right just wait guys

  20. Anonymous Says:

    i know its harsh but just fucking wait

  21. Lee Lee Lee Says:

    who wrote the Secrets of the Kyuubi?

    quite interesting!

    if you can discuss it more here – would be great!

  22. Anonymous Says:


  23. Anonymous Says:

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhh my ass

  24. Anonymous Says:


  25. Lee Lee Lee Says:

    to: Boagrious – next time make it a bit shorter. your analysis is its quite long – i almost fell asleep lol

    but nice analysis

  26. XIVWOLF Says:

    Well done.. Very clever

  27. Anonymous Says:

    i like pie
    lick my balls

  28. ^DiLoG^ Says:

    wow…nice prediction
    But I think…
    After Naruto was saved by Yondaime and ready to fight pein, He won’t kill pein.
    He will let pein retreat.
    Maybe…Pein will against side with Madara.
    Maybe pein realize something about his Friend yoshiko.
    Maybe madara killed him

  29. Anonymous Says:

    I think that the gift from itachi is the ability to control kyubi and not the sharingan. Btw we have rights to write what we want about this so shut the fuck up assholes. What are u doing at this site anyway?

  30. Anonymous Says:

    yondaime is soo cool :))))))))

  31. Anonymous Says:

    You guys saying we losing your time. But you had time to google or whatever this page, read all comment, had time to type your comment and still read new comment.

    don’t try to look cool, just shut your a** and do something else.No one CARE

  32. Anonymous Says:

    No i dont think kyuubi will be enough to fight madara.The only person to match madara was first hokage and even he failed. To beat madara naruto would have to become equivalent in power to all the hokage combined. Even yondaime was no match for madara.Naruto would require nagato. Because nagato is the only one who can train naruto to reach his full potentail. Until now all the teachers of naruto havent pushed him to that potentail. They in some way have neglected him. Even jiraya who trained him in only using kyuubis power and little about genjutsu. Only nagato is the person who can help naruto and train him in all forms of shinobi arts. He wouldnt fear to push naruto towards his potential which others didnt. Due to either fear of Kyuubi coming out or some sort of emotional attachment. Also naruto has the power inside himself to become equivalent to rikodu sennin, which nagato doesnt. Naruto would need rinnigan to not only stop madara but also to bring peace to elemental nations. As rinningan was the first tool used to create shinobi world, it would be fitting tool to end one.For peace, ninjas cannot be allowed to be used to fight. Only naruto and nagato can together figure out a new way for peace. This is possible if only nagato looses and listens to naruto. Otherwise madara has already won. Even with all the teaching from toad boss, he is no match for madara. Naruto, Konoha and the world would be sitting duck. What do you guys think?

  33. Anonymous Says:

    I love your comments dude, I do believe that if Nagato could be made to train Naruto (however this is accomplished)then and only then would he be a match for Madara. On a different note, why is Madara made to be more powerful than Nagato? The rinningan is the most powerful of all the eye techniques and yet we are being fed the notion that Madara (with the Sharingan)controls Nagato with the rinningan. It’s like saying England – with some sophisticated clubs and bebe guns is more powerful than America – with all her weaponery and stuff. I just don’t get it?

  34. Anonymous Says:

    i think that naruto will come with a solution to how to bring peace in the world, different from pain’s method. he will defeat nagato and combine forces against madara, who would hav misleaded nagato.but first, comin to the power itachi gave naruto. i think its just a ability to counter tsukuyomi and ametarasu, or any form of genjutsu.. so naruto did not get affected from pain’s genjutsu.

  35. Anonymous Says:

    … solution…just wait for the next chapter u nerds!

  36. Anonymous Says:

    well dude some of these ppl just want to type their preditions and i guess thats just them but i’ll wait for the next chapter

  37. Anonymous Says:

    why do u bother coming here to this site its just their pointless opinions its not gonna change anything and the chapters take a really long time to come out and this is just how they waist time

  38. Anonymous Says:


  39. Anonymous Says:

    hes right you bitches should wait for the next damn chapter you are all pussys you have no lives go suck your mom’s balls

  40. Anonymous Says:

    pain is gona to turn gay and rub on naruto then naruto is gona stab pain in the balls and pain is gona turn into a girl and where sasuke is at all u fags on here will get in line to fuck him and naruto and hinata will fuck

  41. im-not-idiot-like-the-guys-above-me Says:

    As i see it, you people are just so envious because YOU CANNOT DO GOOD DISCUSSIONS. All your stupid brains can think of are just “F**k” and “Sh*t”.

    Accept it, you also enjoyed reading prediction – although you claim you to just wait for the next chapter. WELL GUESS WHAT DICKHEAD – you are also on the same page as we are – and you also read stuffs here – you are funny!

    To the one who came up with the analysis – thank you! In behalf of the low lives who posted ahead of me – actually they wanted to say thank you too but are just to moron to do that.

    To the one who is maintaining this blog – thank you too for getting that analysis.

  42. Achtung! Says:

    Quote from the manga chapter 309 06 “I may not see you again, but I warn you. Don’t kill Naruto. You will end up regretting” (Kyubi to Sasuke)

    Quote from the anime “This may be our last meeting, so let me say one last thing. Don’t kill Naruto. You will live to regret it

    after reading ur analysis (btw it is very long but worth it), the quotes i’ve pasted got my attention the most. this may be off-topic for naruto 441 but if there is someone here who can discuss why Uchiha should not kill Naruto please explain. i do not have enough background of the manga but i enjoy reading it.

  43. Anonymous Says:

    bad prediction.. But i love u~~~~!!!
    keep updating!!

  44. Anonymous Says:

    here is a question which is not related to 441……
    how young the most hyped Madara is?
    the grandchild of his foremost enemy’s age is 50+……….

  45. Anonymous Says:

    naruto vs pain fight is over with pain escapin….he is being brought back to his hideout by konan…
    the fight next on the list is kabuto vs sasuke since he is urged by the orochi’s cells in his body …as he wud want to defeat sasuke who betrayed him….
    then the fight of naruto (the one who possess half of kyuubi)against madara(the one who possess the other half)….

  46. Anonymous Says:

    ahhhhhhhh i love naruto his so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol and naruto will defeat pain !!!!!!!!!!!! he he he he wooot!!! go naruto !!!!! yeah!!!!! he he
    naruto’s #1 fan!!!

  47. Anonymous Says:

    Kyuubi is the beast which only cares for itself. Maybe it was just trying to save its own skin.But there are lot of comments made by kishi which do not make sense. Regarding the rinningan compared to sharigan. I think nagato learned everything from madara.Also the rinningan power difference between rikodu sennin and nagato is enormous. Nagato is the only person with rinnigan and he must have figured out most of the things himself whereas madara had help. Also we cannot forget nagato is disabled and madara knows secret behind pein. If jiraya knew about the secret before his fight, he would have been able to kill pein. Madara can directly use space/time jutsu to kill nagato before he even knows it.Also immortality is the issue, we dont know how he has lived for so long without aging at all. war Experience wise nagato is nothing but a baby compared to madara. So that could be the only reason why rinnigan in this case is inferior to madaras sharigan. We cannot forget dojutsu is just a tool for ninja. If you dont know how to use it properly, then you are inferior to it even if the tool is of high class. Nagato’s prespective is the same here with respect to madara. But against rikudou sennin, madara would have just been a sitting duck. Hopefully Kishi would answer this in the next few chapters.

  48. Anonymous Says:

    i think itachi gave most of the sharingan to naruto. he loved sasuke and he let him kill him.

  49. Anonymous Says:

    These predictions are sweet!!! When Itachi gave the secrete power to Naruto it seemed as though it was meant to fight against Sasuke. I think that that is what it is meant for. Pein will either see the “light” and join forces with Naruto or will “go towards the light” and die. When Sasuke comes and sees the village and his former friend in trouble he might help him. Naruto that is.

    And yes I am a nerd. I am in college getting a math major and going to study astronomy. I am also a girl. So put that in your stuffed up pipes and smoke it!! You guys who do not know what passion for something is about SHUT THE HELL UP!!!

    The rest of you….I love these posts 🙂

  50. Anonymous Says:

    what happened to the crow which itachi stuffed into naruto’s mouth?…maybe it is the key to defeat tobi!..or sasuke?..

    Go itachi’s crow!..

  51. Anonymous Says:

    Awesome stuff here and for the lady poster on the end, rock on with the math baby yeah! For the jerks who did nothing but flame the other posts well you have even less of a life than they do and probably haven’t been laid… ever… hence the frustrated and violent intents behind every sentence. Anyways can’t wait for 441 on Thursday. RAWR! (“\(O.o)/”)

  52. Anonymous Says:

    i love how ppl are commenting that this is a waste (its spelled waste NOT waist) of time yet you find it neccessary to take the time to state its a waste of time…

    either way, i love these thoeries. i’m really curious about when sasuke is going to make his reapparence and how the crew is going to go about getting at madara/tobi

  53. Anonymous Says:

    apparently, naruto’s back in sage mode after chattin’ with his father, the 4th. But with “ma” and “pa” dead, how will he manage to gather natural energy?? 😐

  54. Anonymous Says:

    I’m surprised as to the prediction that Sasuke will go blind. Now that I think of it, he DID have trouble with his eyesight after the eight-tails battle.To tell you the truth, I suspected the same theories as what is written above.

  55. Goppy Says:

    yamoto will have to help naruto seal the 9 tails because minato reset the seal, not controlled it.naruto will be hokage because thats the main plot and sasuke will fight naruto again which will be the best fight ever. the power itatchi gave to naruto was the resistant of sasuke’s sharingan so the fox cant be controlled by sassuke

  56. Gucci Says:

    First you must understand that sasuke is never going to go blind because as it was written in the scrolls hidden away somewhere in the uchiha clan, that when someone takes the eyes of a brother you won’t go blind and that you’ll have the sharingan forever, remember the battle between itachi and sasuke notice how sasuke got the new sharingan ability because his brother gave it to him. Second after Uchiha Madara told Sasuke why the uchiha clan was wiped out sasuke swore that he would bring down konoha because the leaders back then were the ones that ordered itachi to destroy the clan before the made a coup d’etat remember so its far from over. Recap naruto still has to beat pain, second sasuke is still fighting the 8-tailed jinchuriki and he still has a plan to destroy konoha, and hinata is still alive, and when the this thing with pain is over a love triangle with sakura, hinata and naruto will be created. I know that sakura is still into sasuke but notice how she has been into naruto ever since he came back because he has gotten stronger and he is always there to protect her. Whose name was it that she yelled after konoha was crushed? NARUTO. She saw how naruto got way strong when the battle against pain really started. everyone just keep this in mind!

  57. Anonymous Says:

    naruto will forgive excahnge pain will rebuit konoha and ……………fucking awesome…..naruto rulezzzzz:D:D

  58. Anonymous Says:

    i guess naurto will leave the village and look for his mum. surely he can’t stay in the village since akatsuki will come after him.

  59. Anonymous Says:

    plsplspls let ’em get together 😀
    i love NaruHina that much 😀

    and i think there’s a way sasuke wont loose his eye-light^^

  60. Anonymous Says:

    rikudou sennin…the wise sage of six path..but kishimoto display him like a monstrous guy..tchh..really pathetic…

  61. Anonymous Says:

    Minato Is Super cool>>>>

    The second season manga is nearly ending>>>
    the third Season When naruto become tall like his father than the super fighting starts and naruto powers are extra ordinary then.Konoha will no longer a ninja village.konoha become a peaceful village. Minato also saying that there will no peace if there is a ninja system exists in the village. Naruto and other are all seperated and the real and the final manga starts then>>>.

    I wish Naruto And Hinata will remain together and forever.

  62. Anonymous Says:

    dying for not knowing what’s going to happen next -.-‘

  63. Anonymous Says:

    Interesting theories…. but, seriously guys, just wait….. ur just wasting ur time arguing about things that are going to be revealed soon.

  64. Anonymous Says:

    We are all thinking about pein en naruto thats good but what will happen in Konoha with Danzo who want to take over ?

  65. Anonymous Says:

    Will konoha be stong enough to hold Danzo back too ?

  66. Anonymous Says:

    lmao i won’t really say anything about having screwed up my time or something crappy like that:P

    but there are thoughts spoken here that actually contrast the serie.

    The sasuke point will probably never happen :p but heey you may always think about it off course.

    But what my post originally was meant to be 😛 is that i find it hilarious how you ppl all tell each other to get a life. Seriously brilliant xD

    thanks for making me laugh! muawhahaha (just kidding :P)

  67. Anonymous Says:

    u think he split it so that if the fox ever got lose he would die

  68. Anonymous Says:

    anybody else think that there gona end up being friends or pains gona die

  69. Naruto Manga Download Says:

    i can’t waiting anymore to read naruto chapter 441… when this chapter will publish?

  70. Naruto Manga Download Says:

    i can’t waiting anymore to read naruto chapter 441… when this chapter will publish?

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